
In an age where technological advances have made vehicle theft more sophisticated, FleetTrack emerges as the beacon of security. It’s not just a GPS tracker; it’s your proactive response to the challenges of modern fleet management.

The Ultimate Solution in Advanced GPS Fleet Tracking

Vehicle tracking for fleets of all sizes

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The Rising Challenge:


Theft Trends

The global crime of vehicle theft is metamorphosing at a rapid pace, with criminals deploying advanced tools, notably GSM jammers.

vehicle camera systems

Statistics Speak

Thieves, well-organized and tech-savvy, can now swipe a vehicle in mere seconds. Disturbingly, over half of these stolen vehicles forever elude police recovery.

truck cameras

Economic Implications

Illicit vehicle trafficking is a booming underworld industry, raking in a staggering $19 billion annually, as per Interpol’s data.

truck cameras

Thief’s Psychology

To deter these criminals, understanding their mindset is crucial. Their choices lean towards easy targets — vehicles they can whisk away quickly without drawing attention.



Core Features of FleetTrack


Comprehensive Vehicle Data

FleetTrack’s CAN adapter support is unparalleled, extracting data ranging from fuel, odometer readings, RPM, engine temperature, and much more from a vast variety of vehicles.

vehicle camera systems

Fuel Economy

Accurate fuel usage control and impulse input for fuel flow meters ensure there’s no undue wastage or siphoning.

truck cameras

Connectivity Assured

A robust 4G connection with 3G fallback ensures that your fleet remains in your virtual sight at all times.

truck cameras

Versatile Applications

From light passenger vehicles and car-sharing platforms to heavy-duty transport, trailers, and even refrigerated conveyances — FleetTrack adapts seamlessly.


Self-Reliant Operation

Even in the absence of an external power source, FleetTrack persists, thanks to its backup functionalities.



Technical Deep Dive


GNSS & Connectivity

FleetTrack’s powerful GNSS supports a spectrum of systems including GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, and more. Its LTE (Cat1)/2G (GSM/GPRS)/GNSS/Bluetooth stack guarantees seamless tracking.

vehicle camera systems

Precision Matters

A position accuracy of less than 2.5 m CEP ensures that you know the exact location of your fleet.

truck cameras

Adaptive Cellular Bands

With support for a plethora of GSM, 3G, and 4G LTE Cat 1 bands, FleetTrack is globally competent.

truck cameras

Power Dynamics

Its efficient power management system, operating between 10–30 V DC, can handle varying consumption levels, ensuring longevity and reliability.


Bluetooth & Peripherals

The integrated Bluetooth 4.0 + LE can pair with a myriad of peripherals, from temperature sensors to barcode scanners, expanding its utility manifold.


Resilience Personified

FleetTrack is designed for the long haul. With an IP41 rating, it thrives in diverse environments, from humid tropics to freezing terrains.



Advanced Features & Scenarios


Green Driving

vehicle camera systems

Over-speeding & Idling Detection

truck cameras

Towing & Crash Alerts

truck cameras

Auto & Manual Geofencing


Fuel Monitoring via LLS and various CAN adapters


Ignition Detection Mechanisms



Harsh Events


Harsh Cornering

Flags if a vehicle takes a corner too abruptly.

vehicle camera systems

Harsh Accelerating

Triggers if accelerating rapidly compared to the vehicle in front.

truck cameras

Harsh Braking

Activates if the vehicle changes lanes without signaling or drifts over the boundary.

Equip your fleet with FleetTrack – where technology meets security.

Choosing FleetTrack isn’t merely an operational decision; it’s a commitment to security, efficiency, and peace of mind. In a volatile world, it stands as your unyielding guardian, ensuring every vehicle in your fleet is tracked, secured, and managed with unparalleled precision.